Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Terry Glavin Carves Saddam's New Roomie in Hell

I'll say this, it isn't often you see a turkey and a budgie get along so well. Anyway ...

"... He leaves behind a broken and corrupted judiciary, the upper echelons of the country’s armed forces infested with drug lords, millions of Venezuelans living in fear of the knock on the door in the night, a currency worth only a fifth of what it was a decade ago, food shortages, crumbling roads, collapsing bridges, crippling inflation, ballooning deficits, a rigged currency, an epidemic of street crime, and rolling electricity blackouts. ...
 ... But he did cut quite a dash in that red uniform, didn’t he? ...
... an investigation by Reporters Without Borders found that his regime was “gradually eliminating all forms of checks and balances and democratic opposition, especially the press,”..."
That last bit sure sounds familiar, doesn't it?

Do read it all.

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